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Postcode: 6437

Ford Run Rest Area
Goldfields Highway, , , Western Australia, Australia
0 reviews

Ford Run Rest Area is a short distance from the Goldfields Highway. Here you will find a few picnic tables, a fixed fireplace, and a level area to pull over. There is no shade trees here. Entrance to the Ford Run Rest Area Ford Run Rest Area location ...

Category Rest Areas
Jones Creek Rest Area
Goldfields Highway, , , Western Australia, Australia
0 reviews

The Jones Creek Rest Area is a large level area with plenty of room to park but not much shade. Entrance to the Jones Creek Rest Area Jones Creek Rest Area location map

Category Rest Areas
Leinster South Rest Area
Goldfields Highway, , , Western Australia, Australia
0 reviews

The Leinster South Rest Area is on level ground and just off the Goldfields Highway with some small shrubs for shade. Entrance to the Leinster South Rest Area Leinster South Rest Area location map

Category Rest Areas

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